A lot of the ceramics I look at are porcelain, delicate and, in many cases, many small parts make up a whole. In the case of Gabrielle Baëcile though, none of this is the case. Her work is sculptural, has a density to it, and reminds me of coral.
From what I can glean from the internet, which is minimal, Gabrielle lives in France and makes these extraordinary works.
I love the colors and the textures of her pieces. I could easily see a fish or eel swimming through these.
Ridiculous. They look not only like coral but also like conehead brains to me.
I wish I could find more out about her. I’ve had these images saved on my desktop for a few weeks now hoping I could do more investigating, however, this past week was my first week of self-employment so things have been a little crazy to say the least and now we’re in Chicago for Passover/Easter weekend.
Oh well…sometimes you just get to enjoy the works with little context! This one to me looks like a removed organ with it’s half-cut tubes.
Tags: 3D, artists, ceramic, coral, France, medical, sculpture, sea-inspired, underwater