// Products
For Christmas I bought Brooke one of OctopusMe’s sets of earrings. She had just returned from almost a month in Africa and had, like so many, found it a very transformative trip. The octopus is a wonderful animal that can regenerate itself, if wounded in an attack is just regrows a tentacle – I like […]
Read More// Apr.1.2009
// Products
I just learned that you can search locally on Etsy – I know, not news to many people, but news to me. First I went through Austin and found some amazing things and then I went through Boston where I was once again racked with nostalgia when I came upon the store Twigs and Heather. […]
Read More// Artists
I think I’m discovering Etsy store, Paloma’s Nest, a little behind the curve given the number of times her pieced have been viewed but I love her ceramic work none the less. As I was just in Austin, I wish I had been able to see the designer, Caroline’s studio but I wasn’t aware of […]
Read More// Mar.31.2009
// Products
Since gaining confidence (or getting over) the massive discrepancy between the size and shape of my ears I’ve been buying larger more ornate earrings. Still sometimes though I slide back into my love of rings. Sarah Perlis‘ work is so delicate while still showing her hand in each piece I wanted to post as soon […]
Read More// Mar.30.2009
// Artists
Brooke, the founder of my current company, who you’ll hear more about here as she has many fabulous things, is friends with jewelry designer, Wendy Brandes. She had mentioned Wendy before but I had never connected the dots that a certain ring and necklace that she wears all the time were by her! When she […]
Read More// Mar.29.2009
// Artists
On my flight home from San Francisco last night I was lucky enough to be on Virgin America and be able to have Wi-Fi the whole time. I caught up on many of my blogs and came across some amazing new things including the work of Hisano Takei. As my friends know, I have a […]
Read More// Mar.26.2009
// Site
One of my favorite people, my friend Ali, launched a fabulous online jewelry boutique a few months back called Charm & Chain. I’ve attempted to be wildly supportive and only just realized I should immediately have blogged about the boutique here. The above necklace is a new one from Lizzie Fortunato Jewels. I love how […]
Read More// Mar.25.2009